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Elevate your makeup routine with the Makeup Foundation Sponge Cosmetic Puff Powder from Wuyoholdings. Expertly designed for seamless application, this premium sponge ensures a flawless, airbrushed finish every time. Perfectly suitable for both liquid and powder foundations, it promises professional results that reflect Wuyoholdings' commitment to quality and innovation. Ideal for all skin types, this must-have tool not only enhances your beauty regimen but also embodies the trusted service and values of our Online Shop and OEM offerings. Experience the difference with Wuyoholdings, where precision meets excellence.

Makeup Foundation Sponge Cosmetic Puff Powder

SKU: WYZ-008
  • Makeup Foundation Sponge Cosmetic Puff Powder


    100% brand new and high quality

    Super practical makeup sponge, super skin-friendly, and extremely comfortable.

    Can be used for: pressed powder, isolation, BB cream, foundation, blush cream, and more.

    Cute mushroom-shaped puff, with handle to grip while in use

    For wet and dry use

    Blends evenly and smoothly

    Soft and elastic sponge comfy texture

    Easy to clean and store

    High quality latex, antibacterial, hygiene and safe



    Please keep the puff clean, and the puff with sebum and dirt will become dirty and hard, and not easy to pick up powder. In this case, please clean the puff.

    Please use neutral detergent to wash it, clean it by the way of up-to-down pressing, put it in a cool place to dry.

    When the puff loses its elasticity, and cannot restore its elasticity and soft state, please change the puff

    Color: Beige, Matcha, Black, Brown, Blue and Yellow 


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